Bronte Fleming

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024 Join Us

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024

As members of the 2024 Premier's Anzac Prize Tour Group, we are proud to be raising funds for Mates4Mates to help support veterans impacted by service-related injuries and their families.

Mates4Mates need our help to do more and provide much- needed support and rehabilitation services to those in need.

Please help me make a difference by donating. Together, our impact is greater!

Thank you to my Sponsors


All Hallows' School

Congratulations Bronte on the fundraising efforts to support the Mates4Mates program


All Hallows' School


Fleming Family

Congratulations Bronte on such an amazing achievement. Wishing you all the best. Love Andrew, Sarah, Megan and Jason.


Karen & Jeff Thorpe

Well done Bronte!


Leah Dore

Congratulations Bronte!


Leo Price

Well done, Bronte!


Bronte Fleming


Ingrid And Tanya

Congratulations on your fantastic work Bronte!


Paddy Byrne

Well done Bronte - you are representing your family wonderfully well - and honouring our country. Good on you!


Sean Fleming

Sounds like an amazing opportunity. Great work!


Rebecca Mackinnon

Well done Bronte :)


Leisa Quade


Darren Latham

Congratulations Brontë on your great achievement. Such a valuable program, which is making a real difference for Veterans.