Become a regular donor. 

An ongoing commitment has a lasting impact. Help change lives.

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a month can help to reduce isolation and give regional veterans the opportunity to connect at support groups.
a month can help connect veterans with a Liaison Officer to guide them through recovery.
a month can help fund programs, such as art therapy, to provide veterans and their families with the support and time to heal.
a month can go towards providing resources, like adaptive sports wheelchairs, to give veterans more opportunities to re-engage and recover.

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You can show veterans they're not alone

By donating regularly to Mates4Mates, you can help veterans and family members to find a way forward from the impacts of service. 

As a regular donor, you can choose a monthly amount that you wish to give to support veteran health and wellbeing across Australia. 

Transitioning to civilian life can be daunting and isolating. Not only are servicemen and women leaving their career, but their support network as well. This can affect family members too. With mates behind you, there’s power to move forward. That’s why we facilitate thousands of social connections every year – offering regular opportunities for mateship through social and family activities. 

Regular donations ensure that we can go above and beyond in supporting veterans and family members through social connection activities and clinical services, creating new opportunities for Defence communities across Australia to access our support. 

If you would like to know more about what giving regularly means for you, reach out to the Mates4Mates fundraising team below. 

Have a question? 

Contact us today 

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