Elann Malot

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024 Join Us

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024

As members of the 2024 Premier's Anzac Prize Tour Group, we are proud to be raising funds for Mates4Mates to help support veterans impacted by service-related injuries and their families.

Mates4Mates need our help to do more and provide much- needed support and rehabilitation services to those in need.

Please help me make a difference by donating. Together, our impact is greater!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bernard Verite

Keep going my boy. You might be proud of your involvement.


John & Tracy Paquin

Wat to go Elann. Thank you for picking such a worthy cause.


Donna Pollock

God bless you in your work, caring for others. A worthy project.


Corinne Malot

Keep up the good work Elann. Every bit makes a difference.