Eloise Brown

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024 Join Us

$9,000 Goal Achieved - Unbelievable - THANK YOU

26.4.24 - 9,000 messages of thanks for each and every dollar that has been so generously donated to Mates4Mates. THANK you THANK you THANK you. Wow! - Eloise

New Goal $9,000 - I am so close ... Who can help me?

17.4.24 - Who can help me? I am so close to making it over the $9,000 line. Who can help me with this one please?? - Eloise

$8,000 Goal Achieved

18.3.24 - Wow! Unbelievable. Those hands continue to dig deep and support my fundraiser. From $5,000 to $7,000 and now through the $8,000 goal marker. The faith you all have in me is just incredible. The love, the support, and the belief in such an amazing cause, truly show the Anzac Spirit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - Eloise 

Mansfield Music Department

15.3.24 - Tonight was the Mansfield High School's Music in March concert. I was fortunate that the door donations were donated to my fundraiser. We raised $359 at the door and I also received $127 of online donations - Total $486. Thank you to the Head of the Music Department for allowing this - Eloise 

New Goal $8,000

28.2.24 - Although I have had very generous donations that have pushed me over the $7,000 mark, I have decided to raise the fundraising bar again, this time to $8,000. This amount will honour the 1600 Defence Force men and women who took their lives during the period 1997-2020. If I can reach my new goal of $8,000, then that will honour each of them by $5. The small cost of a cup of coffee. Do you have $5, $10, $20, $50 to donate today? Mates4Mates is there to help our service men and women, so that they can see a bright and positive future when darkness looms - Eloise

$7,000 Goal Achieved

27.2.24 - My heart is so warmed by the very generous donations that people continue to make to my fundraiser. I email messaged a few people today as I was just short of my $7,000 goal, to see if they could take me over the line, and guess what? They dug deep and here I am tonight sitting at $7,127. My second goal surpassed. Thank you everyone that has made this possible - Eloise 

New Goal $7,000

18.2.24 - One thing I have learned from fundraising is that people are very passionate about helping you reach a goal. But once you reach a goal, the hands stop reaching down deep into the pockets. So I have decided to increase my goal from $5,000 to  $7,000, with the hope that people will continue to give. After all, the funds are going to a fantastic cause. The veterans give to us, protecting and keeping us safe, so we can certainly give back to those who need support. I know I can reach this new height with your help! - Eloise 

$5,000 Goal Achieved

15.2.24 - Today I crossed over my goal line of $5,000. Thank you to everyone that dug deep, showed the Anzac spirit and donated to Mates4Mates. 65 sponsors have donated money online - friends, family, teachers, students and total strangers.  I have also had people support my fundraiser by buying bunya nuts and even selling budgies. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all!! - Eloise (p.s. I'm not stopping .... I can raise more!)

More Bunya Nuts 80 kgs in fact

11.2.24 - I spent the weekend up on our family property collecting more bunya nuts. We have quite a number of ancient bunya trees. Look at the massive size of this bunya cone! I peeled all the nuts from the fleshy green cones, and all up have amassed 80 kgs for sale. All proceeds from the sale will go to Mates4Mates - Eloise  UPDATE - Round 3  The sale of these Coolabine bunya nuts has reaped $660 in cash. In total, selling bunya nuts has raised $1,520 for Mates4Mates! 

MSHS Year 7 Disco NIght

8.2.24 - Here I am at the Year 7 Disco Night with a little stall selling drinks, chips and chocolates to help me get closer to my target of $5,000. It was a busy night, but unfortunately, only just over half of the 650 Year 7's showed up. We still managed to raise $774.76 though which is fantastic. Special thanks to the Year 7 HOD for finding a way for this stall to happen - Eloise

$4,000 Dollars WOW - the money rolls in

4.2.24 - I sit here reflecting on each and every donation that I have received for Mates4Mates. $4,000! Wow. Money from Friends, Family, Teachers, Local Businesses, Real Estate Agents, MP's and funds from total Strangers - everyone showing the Anzac Spirit and giving with love to Mates4Mates. Heartfelt thank you to everyone! - Eloise   

MSHS Year 11 Information Night

1.2.24 - Here I am at the Year 11 Information Night selling drinks, chips and chocolates at a little stall as part of my fundraising. I raised $450 which includes money donated directly to Mates4Mates from teachers, parents and students. Thanks MSHS for your support - Eloise 

Hit $3,000

31.1.24 - Exciting news, I have now crossed over the $3,000 mark. I couldn't be here without you. 47 separate donations have come in. 47 people who believe in me and want to support the great cause Mates4Mates. Thank you. Can YOU help get me to $5,000? - Eloise

Selling Bunya Nuts

25.1.24 - Whilst staying at our family farm last weekend, I saw the opportunity of harvesting bunya nuts and selling them to people in Brisbane. I spent two days pulling the nuts from the giant cones, and now  I am selling them through  Marketplace for $20 per kilogram - Eloise - UPDATE - Round 1 - The sale of bunya nuts has reaped in $510 cash and $180 direct fund donations - $690 TOTAL! UPDATE - Round 2 - The amazing Shane St.C collected some bunya nuts from around the Tamborine area for me to sell. These were shelled and sold for $150 cash and $30 direct fund donations - $180 TOTAL!  Eloise

We're Halfway There - $2,500

24.1.24 - Hi everyone, I am pleased to inform you that we are halfway to my fundraising goal of $5,000. Thank you to all my sponsors for believing in me and supporting my campaign!  I couldn't do this without you! - Eloise

Met Robert Skelton MP

22.1.24 - Today I met Robert Skelton MP, State Member for Nicklin. He has been a great supporter of Mates4Mates and is promoting my fundraising campaign on social media. He has also given me a QLD flag to take overseas and give to some students in France/Belgium. Thank you Mr Skelton - Eloise

Smashed through the $1,000 mark

19.1.24 - Thank you to everyone who has believed in me this week. I have raised $1,000 so far. 1/5 of the way to my $5,000 fundraising target. You are making this happen, so from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!! - Eloise

The Importance of Giving

18.1.24 - Hello everyone, I saw this quote recently that I wanted to share. “We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are always there for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you”. Jeff Warner. I believe that it is very important to give to others when we can. Here I am giving to Ocean Crusaders during my school holidays. I spent two days helping to clean up the environment, to save rubbish from getting into our oceans. The importance of Giving!
Please donate today to give support to our veterans. They give to our country. So I am proud to give back to them - Eloise

Young Historians Workshop

13.1.24 - Hello everyone, As part of my Premier's Anzac Prize I have just spent 3 days in Brisbane City researching 2 soldiers that I will read eulogies for at their graves whilst overseas. I also got to meet the team I will travel with, and we got to look at a lot of historical memorabilia and meet lots of dignitaries. I'm feeling very excited about representing Queensland overseas. Please dig deep and donate to Mates4Mates. - Eloise

Fundraising for the Premier's Anzac Prize

22.12.23 - Hi everyone, I'm Eloise! I am excited to be part of the 2024 Premier's Anzac Prize. We will be travelling overseas for 17 days exploring the battlefields and commemorative war sites of the Western Front.
Mates4Mates is an organisation that we fundraise for as part of our work for the Premier's Anzac Prize. They support veterans and their families through their injuries and challenges. All our veterans have helped fight for the peace we have in Australia today. I hope by fundraising I can make a difference in some families too and commemorate our heroic veterans -    Eloise

QLD Premier's Anzac Prize Group 2024

As members of the 2024 Premier's Anzac Prize Tour Group, we are proud to be raising funds for Mates4Mates to help support veterans impacted by service-related injuries and their families.

Mates4Mates need our help to do more and provide much- needed support and rehabilitation services to those in need.

Please help me make a difference by donating. Together, our impact is greater!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Fundraiser Year 7 Disco Snacks And Drinks

School Stall - Year 7 Disco


Bunya Nut Sales

Sale of Bunya Nuts - Coolabine - Round 2


Ray White Annerley


Cliff Brown

Excellent job Eloise that’s an awesome start to a good life


Bunya Nut Sales

Sale of Bunya Nuts - Coolabine - Round 1


Ray White Mt Gravatt


Mansfield State High School Music Department


Fundraiser Year 11 Snacks And Drinks

School Stall - Year 11 Information Night


Gary Johnson


Pauline Vedelago

Well done Eloise ! Good on you for all your hard work and good luck !


Bunya Nut Sales

Sale of Bunya Nuts - Tamborine


Sale Of Budgies - Nanny And Granddad

Money raised from the sale of 6 budgies. Go Eloise. We are very proud of all that you are doing. Love Nanny and Granddad.


Bernardus Nunnink


Little Images

You are achieving amazing results for a great cause Eloise. You have learned from the best. Keep up all the awesome work!


Graham Hill

Great work Eloise


Joe Kelly Mp

Well done on the fundraising, I hope this gets you to your goal.


Steven Shadbolt

G’day Eloise, thanks for all your doing to help the veterans. Not only this but all the stuff you did last year.


Ben Healy


Marjorie Woods


Michele C


Roslyn Gallagher

Well done Eloise. Keep up all the amazing work you are doing


Allan Kelly

Good on you for supporting such a worthy cause.


Pieter Demmers

Well done Eloise. Your mum was telling me all about your fantastic trip and submission. Have an amazing time.


James Brown

Go Eloise!


Melody Matheson

As a member of the Australian Army Reserves this cause is very close to my heart. I have family members who have been impacted both physically and mentally as a result of their service and it can be very hard for them. Mates4mates is a great charity and has helped alot of people. You will do great things in your life Eloise, keep up the good work.


Soft Drink And Water Sales

Sale of Soft Drink and Water left over from stalls


James Brown

Good luck Eloise. All the best with representing Queensland.


Erika Vardanega

Good onya Eloise. You are a credit to yourself.



Well done Eloise


Karen Tanks

So proud of you Eloise. Xxxxx


Heather Wood

For Shane's Mate that took his life a fortnight ago. Deployed with him in Afghanistan. So tragic.


William Beveridge


Ricky Thies


Dr Alan Knight

Well Done Eloise! Keep up the wonderful work.


Dan Humphries

Well done Eloise Brown!






Carissa Bladin

So proud of you!


Peter Green

You will be a future leader, Eloise.


Rani Franjic


Tara Kuhn

Thanks Eloise!!


Alec Patten

Congrats! Hope you have a great time on your trip!


Kerry Stclair

Eloise you continue to inspire me with your efforts and dedication. Thank you for helping to raise awareness for our veterans


Margaret Long

Good luck Eloise.




Brenda Ferguson

Great work Eloise 👏


Sarah Fryer

Félicitations Eloise! Tu vas vivre une expérience inoubliable.


Susan O'connor

Congratulations Eloise good luck in raising much needed funds.


Tracey Host

I am very proud of everything you have achieved Eloise!




Heather Barns

You are an incredible young lady, helping and caring for people and the environment in so many ways.


Heather Wood

Proud of you Eloise and all of your achievements. Best wishes for your fundraising campaign.


David Edwards

Best of luck


Corrine Mcmillian Mp


Nanny Wood

Go Eloise. You are the BEST granddaughter.


Alison Mccall


Kerry Ellis

Great work Eloise!


Ronda Brown


Heather Wood

Eloise the legend. To the most amazing girl who has done so well with this fundraising campaign. $8,700! Awesome work chickadee.


Popper Sale

Sale of Poppers - left over from stalls


Beth Owen

Good Luck Eloise with your fundraising goal.


Stephen Vidas

Good on you Eloise, and thanks for the Bunyas!


Wendy Austin

I would like to congratulate you on your out standing effort! Well done!


Rachel Barry

Congratulations on how much you’ve raised so far, love and support from Rachel Lily and Stewart. Keep up the hard work!


Dan Reid

Coke cans


Xavier Curry

Amazing work Eloise


Alex Vrkes

Good luck with your fundraiser!


The Perkins

Eloise keep being an amazing ambassador for the community, you’re making a big impact!


Marcus B



Congratulations and well done Eloise. You are representative of the best of all of us. A credit to the remarkable Brown family. Thank you. Rob MP


Eloise Brown

Thank you for this amazing opportunity to make a difference to the lives of the vetrans.


Janette Jackson

Well done Eloise!


Leanne Townsend

Well done Eloise.


Sarah Butler

Well done 😁



All the best






Michael Fox


David Scotney


Ross And Desleigh Cook

Go well Eloise. Have a great time.


Isabelle Le Bouder

Good work!


Toni Reid

Well done Eloise


Bettina Parry


Jim Pickles



Keep up the amazing work 😀


Zac Dawes

Good luck Eloise! Another amazing fundraising effort for sure!







Thank you


Evelyn Lam

Plant Sale




Justine Suarez-din


Dr Ryan

Thank you Eloise


Carol Barol

Roll on Eloise